I found a couple great ideas from the blog, Invite & Delight:
The games that I found the easiest to play were Chocolate Unicorn and Tear it Up. I think A Bit Dicey would have worked too but I didn't try that one yet.
We used chocolate donuts (or you can use Ding Dongs which are probably easier) for this game. I put them in the freezer so they wouldn't melt easy.
We did this game by having a couple of different rounds. I divided them up into three groups of three and had them compete against each other with everyone taking turns. The first round was stacking 3 donuts and holding it for a minute.
We also played another fun group game that required each team member to eat 3 saltine crackers and then try to whistle. We divided our group into two teams and each team member face off against each other. It's actually pretty challenging to eat 3 saltine crackers fast!
Then try to whistle for 30 seconds!!
Even the teachers got in on the fun for this one!
This is Jessica, one of our mobility instructors, and me facing off!
We chose to play this game outside on the grass in case there was a cracker explosion!
We also loved the game Pass the Parcel. We followed the instruction from this site:http://www.jubed.com/youth_ministry/view/Pass-the-parcel/?s=12
Here are the instructions:Everyone's heard of "Pass the Parcel", so you might think this sounds a bit lame as a youth group game, but it can work well if you add a little twist.
For those that don't know "Pass the Parcel", you wrap up a prize (eg a box of chocolates), then add multiple layers or wrapping (up to 20 times). Within each layer, add a smaller prize (such as a lolly or small chocolate).
The group sits in a circle and "Passes the Parcel" around the group with some music playing in the background. When the music stops, whoever is holding the "Parcel" unwraps one layer and keeps the small prize hidden within that layer. This continues until the last layer is unwrapt and whomever has the parcel wins the prize.
This is the part that we had a blast playing:
Now, the twist. As well as adding a small prize within each layer, add a written "Challenge" of some sort that the person unwraping the layer must complete. The challenge can be something the person must do in front of the group, or something share
I had my students do a couple other challenges that got big laughs such as sing or rap (their choice) the ABC song, pretend to be a screaming toddler throwing a tantrum, get up and sing loudly "I'm a Little Tea Pot" with hand motions and get on all fours and pretend to be a ferocious lion.
These games are great for family game nights, ice breakers for back to school, theme party ideas for birthdays or just a fun Saturday night. Again, I loved these games because our kids could play pretty much all by themselves. We didn't have to provide a lot of modifications and we had blast playing them! Have fun!!