This is the thing that truly everyone can do! It's a
portable finished box (and if I don't say so myself, it's truly GENIUS!). Thank you super awesome teacher, Mary Quinn, for letting me blog about her super fab idea.
First and foremost, you do know what a finished box (or all done box) is, right?? If not, stop reading this post and go through my labels and find all the posts about calendar box systems and finished boxes. It's a
must prerequisite to this post. Now that you are familiar (and excited) about using finished boxes, let me introduce (drum roll please...) the PORTABLE FINISHED BOX. This sweet little collapsible tote is otherwise known as a fabric drawer and is great for being the finished box on the go. The average price runs about $5.99 to $9.99 and can be purchased at any Target or Walmart store. These sweet on the go finished boxes are perfect for when you are out of desk space, traveling from classroom to classroom or out and about in the community. They fold right down and pop back to life easily and pretty sturdy, too. They come in two different sizes, a small one and a large. Mary, being the talented teacher for kiddo with MIVI/DB that she is, took it up a notch and decorated them based on season. This way there is a "theme" to each one.
Now a note of caution about decorating here. Decorating is a great idea
BUT be cautious about the child. If you are just introducing these, ask yourself the following questions: are they visually distracting? does my child/student have a concrete understanding of what a finished box is? Am I sending out too many clues--should they put the decorations together or use the actual finished box? Don't get lost in making them "cute". They have a purpose and that purpose must remain clear to the student.

Another thing I thought about is consider the visual needs of the student. Should you make the bottom of the basket black so that there is contrast? Highlight the top rim so it highlights where to put things? There is no universal answer here. It all depends on the visual needs of your student. Same thing goes for which size to use. You may find yourself using both especially if you are a busy family and you want to use these out in the community, playgroup, church, etc. You may need both sizes. Keep one in the car so that you always have a finished box no matter what the situation.
Notice the handle? You could also make a little velcro rope or chain so that this lightweight box can hang from a chair or on a stander, etc. I saw a para attach a plastic finished box to a chair and thought it was brilliant.
Now after reading this and seeing these pictures you have no excuse for not using a finished box everywhere you go. Your main dilemma now is figuring out what color to buy!