
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Mobility resources

Here are some mobility resources provided
by Chris Tabb, COMS

Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind (RVIB) also publishes a great resource manual. I only have it as a PDF that I could not upload.
Here is the ISBN information so you can get it on your own:
"A guide to orientation and mobility for young children with vision impairments "
Nicola Misso
First Published 1995, This revision January 2005
National Library of Australian Cataloguing-in Publication data:
ISBN 0 949390 41 0
Information & Referrals Unit, RVIB
557 St Kilda Road, Melbourne 3004

1 comment:

  1. Awesome. Our OT who works for the CNIB suggested we wait to get Skyler a cane (if he needs one, we're not sure yet that he will) since right now he will most likely just use it as a toy or worse yet a weapon. She says it's a better idea to let him get a feel for the world using just his senses, because the world feels different through a cane than it does through fingertips. :) Just thought I'd share what I've learned. Thanks for the links!
