
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Community opportunity from Perkins

Summer 2011* Taglit-Birthright Israel trip

Perkins School for the Blind is thrilled to announce
a new partnership with Routes Travel: Amazing Israel

Taglit-Birthright Israel offers the gift of first time, peer group, ten day educational trips to Israel for Jewish young adults. Over 230,000 young adults from 52 countries have already been the recipients of this gift.

Routes Travel: Amazing Israel has been chosen by Perkins as the Trip Organizer because of their experience with specialized trips, such as one last summer for young adults who are wheelchair users. Next summer we will offer a trip for Jewish young adults who are blind or visually impaired, high school graduates and between the ages of 18 to 26.

Activities may include:
 Visit historical sites and museums
 Participate in lectures and discussions
 Stay in a Kibbutz
 Traveling with Israeli young adults serving as soldiers
 Hiking, rafting or other outdoor activities
 Archeological dig
 Experienced tour guides
 Making new friends

The gift covers airfare from departing city (to be selected on east coast); hotel, transportation, most meals and trip programming. Groups of 3 or more from a COSB school or alumni association may be asked to provide and fund a guide.

For further information and to request a pre-application in order to be considered for this summer’s trip, please contact:
Beth Caruso, Director of Perkins Outreach Services ~ 175 North Beacon St. Watertown, MA 02472 ~ phone 617-972-7434 or

Routes Travel Birthright:
Taglit-Birthright Israel:

*date to be announced later this fall

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