
Monday, October 13, 2014

White Cane Day 2014

It's almost here: White Cane Day will be here in two days! It's celebrated nationally on Wednesday, October 15. I would love to hear what everyone is doing to celebrate. I will be celebrating in Utah this year with my new students in downtown Salt Lake City. This year I'm having my students become a "blindness expert panel" and they will be reviewing establishments and rating them on how blindness friendly they are. I have made up some awards and thanks to my colleagues, we have a checklist of items to rate our places. We have our t-shirts and our theme, too. This year it is "White Cane + Me = Independence". We will also host our community outreach table with lots of fun trivia and activities about our blindness community.  How exciting, right? I will be sharing some highlights of our community event. I can't wait to see how everyone else is celebrating White Cane Day 2014. 

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