
Sunday, August 24, 2014

Color Happy at Camp Abilities CT!

I have done a lot of super fun things with my students but this past August at Camp Abilities 2014 was hands down one of the best things I have done at camp. It started with the custom Carolina blue sunglasses that read Camp Abilities CT on the side. Next was the 75lbs of colored corn starch that I ordered. Then it was matter of planning with my team--what would be our route? All of this was in preparation for the first ever Color Happy Camp Abilities CT run!!
Holy cow, this was a BLAST!!! We lined up our guide runners for our cane users. We manned our color bomb stations. My student interns proudly took the last color bomb station. All of camp put on their white shirts and our run was on!
The colors were bright and fun to see for our low vision students. Our Braille readers got to touch, throw and bomb each other and got into the fun, too. Everyone at Camp Abilities CT was getting color happy :)

My interns and me. What a great time!

 All of our kids wore protective sunglasses. We did want to make sure that protective measures were taken. We did monitor to ensure eye safety. Our students that wear glasses wore these over their glasses. And you have to admit, the glasses are just plain out cool! How fun were these for our students to take back after camp to wear with their friends?!

 Here's Gissell (from last post) and me (with baby Abigail) at the run. 
I am SO proud of this girl!
Our fearless Camp Abilities CT  leadership team--what would I ever do without these guys?

 Why a Color Happy Run at a camp for children with vision impairments? Because it's a RAD thing to do! This was a great opportunity for our kids to get involved with something popular that their friends and family are doing. Running is a terrific lifelong activity for our kids to be involved with. 

 We also gave each person their own color bomb packet for our big party at the end of the race. We had a gauntlet that everyone ran through as we finished the race. 
This was just a total blast! I can't wait to do it again!!
You can do this, too! We ordered the color cornstarch from Hippie Powder and the glasses were custom made from 4Imprints. We planned a clear trail and assigned guide runners and supervisors throughout the course. All of our color bomb stations colored our kids as they ran past. Then we just had fun and bombed each other at the end. Let me know if you do one. I would love to see pics!

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