
Thursday, June 26, 2014

World Cup for Us, Too!!

Are you watching the World Cup? I am and it is SO exciting! I received this email from a very talented teacher and was so excited to share it with you!
Here's a link of the rest of the article:

It is a little slow in the first 5 minutes but it is totally worth the watch because it is cool to see how this guy makes the tactual soccer field. Then the icing on the cake is watching the tactile sign language of the game. It is SO awesome! I can just feel the excitement!!

I also loved this article/video clip about another futbol team in Brazil. I was excited watching this clip as well because I never knew how talented our people were at playing soccer until I went to Camp Abilities Costa Rica and watched it there! I was amazed!! I invited up my friend Fernando to teach it at Camp Abilities CT the same year.

Check this out:

Happy World Cup! Go USA!!

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