
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Goalball Tutorial

I am excited to unveil my newest endeavor: tutorial videos!! Thanks to Lauren Andersen, Craig Boucher and Alex Specht (all fabulous and super talented PE teachers), I have been able to make the goalball tutorial. This tutorial is not the super competitive, Paralympic style goalball. Rather, this is a great tutorial for teaching goalball at camp, general education PE classes (for inclusion) and family activities. The rules, equipment, etc. are still the traditional goalball but the instruction is a bit more friendly to the non-competitive level goalball. I've included a link to the London Paralympic games for goalball so you can see both levels of play.

Goalball is played all over the world! It can be played in the general education PE class (this was a great idea that I started last year to help our kids bring a new sport to their peers), sports & recreation camps and at an elite level. You will find goalball played all over the United States. Several schools  or programs for the blind play goalball (and usually at a nice competitive level). Our tutorial has all that you need to know for some nice recreation & leisure competition goalball. 
Thanks to our stars--my students that participated in making the tutorial.  Be on the look for two more tutorials that are in production: beep kickball and modified team handball. 

For more information about organizing, competing in or establishing a goalball team, check out USABA, They are a great resource for all sports related to our community. 

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