
Wednesday, January 8, 2014

White Cane + Flash Mob = A super awesome idea!!

I don't know about you, but I am still excited over flash mobs (and still secretly wish I could be part of one...). I was perusing youtube looking for some fun videos on disability awareness when I was lucky to find a suggestion for a White Cane Day flash mob. White canes and a flash mob? YES!! So I decided to keep watching. I thought they were so fun that I had to share them!! Here are two of my favorites: 

Has anyone else seen or done a flash mob with our kids? If so, please share! It's totally something that is on my bucket list for teaching so keep an eye out for me and my students. 

I have done a few fun adventures involving music and dancing with students. Here's a link to a talent show performance I did with one of my deaf blind students,

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