
Friday, April 6, 2012

Modifications for an Easter egg hunt

Hi, Happy good Friday! I am sorry that I am late posting about Easter. I had a last minute burst of inspiration for mods for the traditional hunt. I also did a little research for ideas, products, etc. to help with mods. I found some nifty ones at
image from the powerhouse Christian church on Google

Here's a resource on talking eggs that can be purchased at Walmart, Target, Rite Aid and Amazon:
And another about some fun mods for traditional eggs:
Easter crafts: activity

Plus, one other thing to keep in mind especially for our cane users: make a tactile map of the layout for the hunt! It is so important that you give your little one a heads up of the hunt prior to getting down to the egg collecting. Review large landmarks (like a bench, water fountain, tree, etc.). Here's a tactile map from the Wheatley tactile diagramming kit (so you can get an idea of an easy tactile map): 

I know you might not have one of these laying around but you can also whip one up using some hot glue and pipe cleaners with a few squares to indicate landmarks. I also recommend that you get one for your family. This way you can make a map on the fly for family reunions, church events, birthday parties, etc. Make sure you consult with your mobility instructor to review the "how to's" of making one and reviewing your child's individual needs. 

Other mobility tips you can do: have your kiddo walk the perimeter and make sure they know the starting point as well as have a system for how they will collect their eggs. It's also a good time to review systematic search patterns!! Egg hunts are great for our kiddos because they work in mobility skills with some fun. Feel free to do them throughout the year! 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this post Robbin! We had our beeping egg hunt at Perkins today and it was so much fun. I wanted to share our photos with you:

    And also a news video about the event:

    I hadn't thought about making a tactile map of the hunting grounds ahead of time - that's brilliant! We'll have to do that next year!
