
Tuesday, March 13, 2012

CVI Video Resources

Hi friends,
I received this email from one of my talented colleagues....

She shares these videos about CVI characteristics and how to apply them. They are webcasts from Perkins and they do a fantastic job of explaining everything we try to say, but in a clear and simplistic way. (I know my understanding process sometimes shows CVI characteristics, needing simplicity and one item to truly understand- haha) :) This video does just that for CVI so I thought I’d share it with those who may not have stumbled upon it yet…. Definitely worth watching when you have some time :) (Chapters 1,2,3,4)

TSBVI also has some video clips- She likes the last ones best on Task Analysis for Phase 1, 2 and 3 that show specific things to do… 

Has anyone else come across good video resources? Email me!


  1. Hi Robbin,

    I'm a special education teacher of students with severe and profound disabilities in Charles County Maryland. I currently teach two students with CVI and I have a nephew with ONH. I love your CVI resources and I was wondering if you have any recommendations or strategies specifically for ONH.

    Also, I am trying to gather vision resources for both my classroom use and for my sister to use with my nephew. Would you mind if pinned some of your blog posts on Pinterest (with links back to your blog of course)?

    Thank you for sharing your passion and talent!

    Amanda Mastran

  2. Hi Amanda,
    Glad you found my blog! Would love to help if I can with your nephew. Perhaps you can email me privately and I can send some ideas your way. Email me at

    Yes, you can share pin my posts. But please provide the links to my blog. I share a lot of ideas of a lot of people not just myself. I want to make sure people get the credit where credit is due. Plus, all of my posts are copyrighted. Would you also email me and let me know what and where you have pinned them? Thanks! Look forward to emailing with you.

    1. Hi Robbin! I'm sorry I never responded to you. I was in my last semester of grad school and it became all-consuming for a while. I finally got around to pinning your posts on my Pinterest vision board, with links. :) I pinned your entire section on CVI. You can see my pin at

      Thanks again!
