
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Braille fun

This is just a little something fun that I came up with. It's a fun way to have fun with Braille. I found this idea of eating meals in muffin tins (like the ones pictured) awhile ago and thought it would be fun to do with my kids. I found these fun silicone muffin tins at JoAnn's on an after-Halloween clearance for $3 a piece. 

 I usually give these to my kids horizontally but then I decided to flip it vertically and viola! A Braille cell!! Can you guess what letters I made with my pita chips and celery? I thought this could be fun to do with young Braille readers as well as fun for siblings and families to have some fun with Braille.
It also might be fun to arrange your child's snacks in a letter each day and make a puzzle out of it! Take it to the next level by having your Braille reader do the arrangement and YOU have to figure out what letter it is!! 

Want to incorporate a little bonus ECC kitchen and cooking skills? Have your Braille reader go to the fridge or cabinet and prepare all the snack items and fix it up. 

 Do it at home: Buy a tin and do snack time with the first letter of everyone's name. Think of it as customized snacks for everyone. It's also a great way for families to brush up on Braille letters.

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