
Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Student Project

This post was written by my student Cody. He's a senior this year and is heading off to college next fall. He is applying to be in the TVI undergrad teaching program---so excited for him! Read about his project :)

Hey Everybody,                                                                  Cody (on right) with his friend Cooper at a program.
      I just wanted to tell you all about an awesome opportunity I have this summer.  If you have been reading Robbin’s blog for a while, you know that this past July, I was a volunteer counselor at Camp Abilities Alaska (a developmental sports camp for children with vision impairments in Anchorage).  It was an awesome experience and thank you to everybody who contributed to my trip.  Now, this summer, I have been invited to return.
      I will be a volunteer counselor again and will be responsible for one camper with multiple disabilities and teach him or her various adapted sports for one week.                                
      However, flights to Anchorage are pretty expensive and I really could use your help with the costs.  Volunteers for this camp are scarce and the number of children we serve is based on how many volunteers can participate.  You can click on the donate button in the sidebar to contribute via PayPal or visit my website for more information.  All donations are 100% tax deductible and greatly appreciated.
Thank you so much for your continued support!
 Cody Laplante

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