
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Update on Cody

Does everyone remember my blog post a few months back about my student Cody? He did a fundraiser so he could be a counselor-in-training (CIT) at Camp Abilities Alaska. Cody is our Student Supervisor (aka he supervises the CITs) at Camp Abilities CT. He is a fantastic student and a great mentor to my younger students. He was quite successful with his fundraising and spent a week at Camp Abilities Alaska a few weeks ago. They did a wonderful write up on him in his local paper.I've attached the link so you can read the follow up:

Cody with fellow CIT at the SIBS Weekend Talent Show

Check back in the next few weeks as Cody will be blogging a series on his experiences and reflections as a youth that is visually impaired. He will be blogging from Camp Abilities CT to kick his series off!

Wanna know more about Camp Abilities CT? Check us out!

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