
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The Wonder of

Hello early childhood parents! I found a website this week that I am loving! It's a new site called Why do I like it? I feel that it is family friendly and a nice little hub to meet other parents. I like the feel and organization of the site. It was started by a mom who like me, wanted to post resources that she found that were helpful. What I think is really a nice part of this site is that parents are encouraged to participate. Always remember that one size doesn't fit all so you may not find your child's exact eye condition or something else. However, the most important thing to know is that you are not alone as a parent of a child with a vision impairment. You have a whole community to belong to and that starts right here on The Independent Little Bee :)
Here's an excerpt from the site:

"Hi there! My name is Amber Bobnar. Welcome to!, a project funded by Perkins School for the Blind, is dedicated to helping parents of young children with vision impairments as well as children with multiple disabilities. Here you'll find a database of articles written by parents who want to share with others what they've learned about playing with and teaching a blind child, as well as links to meaningful resources and ways to connect with other families.

In 2011 WonderBaby teamed up with Perkins in order to provide more features and support for families through the internet. My original intent for the site was just to link to resources I found on the web, but before I knew it I was writing more and more about Ivan and all he had to teach us! I soon learned that other parents were experiencing this too... we all know that our children are full of wonder and they amaze us every day. As we focus on teaching our children all they need to learn in order to be as independent as possible we are often surprised to find out that we are learning so much from them!"

Maybe one of these days you will see my blog up on too!

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