
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Ever Wanna Know...? My students give their answers on things the rest of should understand about being a teenager and having a vision impairment.

This week's question to my students:
If you had one piece of advice to give everyone about
how to treat kids/teens with
vision impairments, what would it be?

Here's what they said:
  • Gwen Vartanian Treat them the SAME way you would want to be treated. DON'T JUDGE them, get to know them. We are ALL HUMANS.
    February 4 at 9:18pm ·
  • Cooper Joseph Kendall Gwen Agreed..... get to know them, we rnt different even though my eyes rapidly shake and I can't see birds in the sky haha
    February 4 at 9:20pm · · 1 person
  • Gwen Vartanian True that!!!!!!
    February 4 at 9:21pm ·
  • Leah Bourassa treat them exactly how you would want to be treated like there no diffrent yet maybe cooler then u
    February 4 at 10:02pm · · 2 people
  • Justin Haegele usually cooler
    February 5 at 9:39am · · 1 person
  • Leah Bourassa jusitn thats quite a statement
    February 5 at 9:41am ·
  • Gwen Vartanian Well at least he is being HONEST! :) tehee
    February 5 at 9:43am ·
  • Cody Laplante We don't need sympathy. I don't really see my vision as a disability but just a part of who I am.
    February 5 at 11:44am · · 2 people
  • Justin Haegele I am being honest. I come across a lot of children without visual impairments in my building at work and I would choose interacting with you guys or my campers at Camp Alaska any day of the week over them.
    February 5 at 1:47pm · · 2 people
  • Leah Bourassa Love it they dnt know what there missin lol
    February 5 at 1:52pm ·
  • Robbin Keating I LOVE what everyone posted!! I'm gonna post this on my blog for others who read it to see! Keep adding!! You know I love all of you guys and I totally don't ever see your vision as an impairment. I love being one of your teachers :)
    February 5 at 10:48pm · · 2 people
  • Michelle Ward treat us normal we r the same as them :) if not its their loss :)

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